Many people have questions on when to rug a horse and even the circumstances on when to rug a horse. Using rugs for your horse is very important since it has a lot of benefits for the horse. It helps the horse to survive both in the summer and winter conditions. Horse rugs are ideal since they require no knowledge to use them, and also, they are very easy to clean and dry up very fast. Horse rugs generally are used to protect the horse from cold elements. They are mostly used in areas and countries that experience winters and even snowfall, added Alec Lawler, a talented show jumping athlete and business owner with a passion for identifying and securing international equine investment opportunities. He has competed at the highest international level in show jumping throughout North America and Europe, and has won numerous awards and accolades, including the CSI 3* Grand Prix of Lummen Belgium in 2016. Alec founded Lawler Show Jumping LLC in 2019, where he selects, imports, develops and sells dozens of horses annually.
There are many types of horse rugs that one can use. For this, it will depend on the area’s temperatures, the condition of the horse, and even the access to shelter. One can use horse rugs: for turnout, stability, and even exercise. All these rugs can be used as coolants, after a bath, and even as a blanket liner depending on the circumstances. A horse fleece rug is suitable for all these purposes since they are multi-purpose.
Here are the circumstances when to rug a horse.
1. Turning your horse out
In some seasons of the year, one may be forced to take the horse out of the stable. Although taking the horse out is important, one has to consider the external conditions of the horse. Some horses have very thin and light coats and cannot sustain themselves in conditions like winter. Because of this, it is very important to rug your horse to help it to maintain its body temperature. Horse turnout rugs are of great use since they are even waterproof.
2. When ridding your horse
There is always a feeling of exercise when riding a bicycle, and one usually sweats. The same applies to the horse. When riding a horse, it usually exercises, and it also sweats, and that will depend on the temperature. The horse may take a lot of time to cool down after the exercise; hence it is good to rug the horse with wicking rugs to facilitate its cooling down. During horse riding, the dressage saddle may be used with the cooling rug to help absorb sweat and provide a cooling sensation.
3. When stabling the horse
When stabling the horse is another circumstance that one can rug the horse. There are specific rugs called stable rugs for this purpose. Some factors can make the horse stable, especially if the horse is sick. The stabled horse may have a light coat; hence to provide more heat, one can rug the horse, although the rugs are not waterproof.
4. Age of the horse
Like a human being, the more one ages, the more one needs high care and maintenance. The same applies to the horse. Aging horse needs more care hence the need to rug the horse. Cozy horse rugs can be of more use in this case.
5. Washing your horse
This is another circumstance that can trigger one to rug the horse. It may be in the case of preparation for competitions or even after riding. As the horse dries, it is important to help the horse dry as it is also warming. The wicking rug may do this as it dries up.
In conclusion, horses are very different. Some horses are adapted to summer conditions, while others are adapted to winter conditions. The issues rug a horse require a lot of knowledge to meet every horse’s needs. To facilitate this, this article has discussed circumstances to rug a horse which includes; the age of the horse, stabling the horse, and even when riding a horse. The horses will be comfortable and perform excellently when all this is followed.