Fall is almost upon us, and with it comes more instances of the flu. Although anyone can get the flu at any time of the year, it is more prevalent in the fall and winter, and cases begin to increase around the beginning of October. Symptoms, such as body aches, fever, cough, congestion, and chills, have individuals searching for relief, such as cold medicine without pain reliever and home remedies. The good news is that the flu does not last forever, and there are some things that can relieve symptoms quickly.
Why the Flu is More Common in the Fall
There are various reasons why the flu is common in the fall. One is the cooler temperatures. Cool temps help improve the survival of the flu viruses, as the protective coating that surrounds the viruses hardens into a shell. This helps keep the virus alive for longer so it can travel through the air and infect more people.
The cooler air also impairs the first line of immune defense. Mucus generally traps intruders, which is then blown out or swallowed and neutralized by stomach acid. In cooler temperatures, mucus clearance slows down, which means the rest of the body needs to fight off the infection.
In fall, there is also a decrease in vitamin D production due to weakened sun exposure. Vitamin D plays a big role in immunity, so its reduction may explain why people have more illnesses in cooler months. Another theory is that in the fall, people spend more time indoors, which means it may be easier to spread the flu from one person to another, especially in places with central heating. Fortunately, there is a variety of homeopathic flu medicine to help when someone does get the flu.
Fast Relief for Flu Symptoms
To combat the flu, individuals should take action as soon as symptoms begin to appear, which is often pretty quickly. Getting adequate rest is important, as this is when the body heals, so no one should feel guilty for staying in bed longer or taking frequent naps.
Staying hydrated is also important. Water, clear broths, coconut water, and low-sugar juices are good choices. Avoid alcoholic and sugary beverages.
At the first signs of the flu, an individual should increase the intake of supplements to help boost the immune system. These include vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, echinacea, and probiotics. Taking these may not get rid of symptoms right away, but it will help supply the immune system with needed nutrients to strengthen and fight off the virus.
There are numerous things to do to relieve symptoms. Although many people reach for over the counter remedies, these often contain artificial colors or additives, and they all come with unwanted side effects. Homeopathic options are safer and healthier, and they also assist the immune system in fighting off the illness. For example, there is a chest congestion homeopathic remedy that has no side effects. Additional home remedies include using a humidifier, soaking in warm water with Epsom salts, and gargling with salt water.